Hi everyone. The date of the website launch will be easy to remember. My 50th birthday. I’m not sure why I’ll have to remember the exact date of the launch but frequently I am asked to summon information that I have forgotten. Who chooses what information is important? Why should I know my social insurance number instead of the running order of the German pressing of the Beatles “Revolver”? I would argue that the latter is much more important than my social insurance number but the government doth protest this. Just in case I choose incorrectly in the future I will endeavor to make things land on milestone dates. It’s a decent memory crutch.
We’ll be adding more music and text to these pages as we find the time and resources. There are some thing I have done in the past that have not been put up here and, as I was just mentioning about not knowing what is important, I should probably put all of it up here and let you decide what is worth listening to or looking at.