Author: superpest

Canada Day

The Minister of Canadian Heritage invites you to join the Prime Minister, the Governor General, and thousands of fellow Canadians for a fun and lively street party on Parliament Hill. Join the fun from Noon to 1:30 pm on Saturday…

Video Clips and Coming Attractions

Tim Der has put some cherished moments from CBC’s “Hockeyville” up on his Odds site. Stripper’s Union. Shaye. Pat’s happy leprechaun dance. click here Thanks Tim. Lyric changes to “Shake it Off” were inspired by Brent Butt. You can catch…

Strippers Union on TV

Strippers Union will perform “Shake It Off (Walking With the King of Funk)” on CBC’s Hockeyville, Sunday June 11th. This is the final episode. “Shaye” will also be there to perform a song written by CN with the “Hounds of…

Site is Back Up!

Sorry everyone. Three things happened to bring down my site for awhile. 1. Sabotage at the hands of spammers who attack the comments sections of sites and fill them up with porn. 2. Massive downloads of the picture of Rob…


Jesse & I wrote this while we were out on that little tour. I took it from his myspace page. Today is Pat Stewrad’s birthday: Poughkeepsie,New York Current mood: accomplished Hey Everybody, We just finished this sweet little tour. Craig,…

Yesterdays Papers

We had a little birthday show in Kingston Ontario for our fearless leader R. Baker. It wasn’t well publicized because we all know what happened to the Who in Cincinnati. Wouldn’t want that to happen as throngs rushed madly into…

Hounds of the Hockeyvilles

That’s the name of the house band on the CBC TV show “Hockeyville”. The first episode airs tomorrow, Wednesday the 29th of March. The band for the show is. Craig Northey – Guitars and musical director Pat Steward – Drums…

Too Cool For School

My favourite author. A rich feast of food for thought. Don DeLillo’s America Have fun and work from where things have to come from. I have experimented with being hip and it doesn’t work for me in the end….

Rock Explosion

That’s what happened to us last night. The right songs. The right venue. The right peeps. I think my head almost popped off with all the fun. That’s what it feels like today anyway. Spirit of the West had the…

Sorry…Late Gig Announcement

Shit …I forgot to do all the internet stuff regarding a gig we have on Thursday night. Hope a few of you locals can come. The Craig Northey Power Trio (me, Doug Elliott & Pat Steward) will be opening for…

Tim’s Craig Site

Tim “the Finger” Der has updated his Craig site and I think he’s done a great job. All the pictures on the site shuffle through at random if you hit the refresh button. His video section is unequaled in its…

Tim’s Craig Site

Tim “the Finger” Der has updated his Craig site and I think he’s done a great job. All the pictures on the site shuffle through at random if you hit the refresh button. His video section is unequaled in its…


Hey Canadians, You get first crack. The Northey Valenzuela CD was released tuesday to stores all across your vast land. It is on “True North/Universal” and features a few differences to the short lived “indie” release — better graphics, new…

NV road shots

If I can figure out how to log on through the haze of rock n’ roll excess I will post some shots of Northey Valenzuela from out last few days in DC, New York and CT. Check for them in…

Love Monkey

Big news in Odds world. Yes, I know the band broke up. The producers and creators of the new CBS series “Love Monkey” didn’t care. Their star Tom Cavanagh wanted “Someone Who’s Cool” as the theme song for their new…

Holiday Break

Hey! Don’t yell at me! I took a little break. Is that so very wrong? Michael Fleming has bootlegged the CBC performance on “On the Coast” on Grey Cup Weekend here in Vancouver. I was outside in the freezing cold…

Canadian Chopper Challenge

The final episode in TSN’s Canadian Chopper Challenge will premiere this Saturday night on TSN at 8:00 pm Craig Northey, Doug Elliott & Pat Steward wrote and performed the musical theme for the series

Gigs, TV & Radio

Sharkskin is the house band for “Walby’s Warriors” on Grey Cup day. “The CFL on CBC’s Chris Walby selects his CFL ‘warriors’ for the 2005 season. From Vancouver, hosted by Mark Lee and Chris Walby.” Sunday, November 27, 2005, 12:30…

rare CN audio at myspace

I’ve been trying to figure out this myspace thing and I’ve got a site up there for Strippers Union and one for myself. What I thought I’d do at my myspace site was use it as a place to put…


We are so friendly. Here is a link to our “myspace”: Check me out! Jesse V is also on there and so are a lot of people. Sign up to be our friend and we can trade Valentines in a…

Gassing, Stripping & CMT

Sorry there was no heads up on Doug Elliott & I hosting a segment of CTV’s “E-Talk Daily” the other day. I have received enough politely irate e-mails thank you. We were harrassing people on Parliament Hill wearing green “Corner…

Corner Gas Live!

Dear All, I will be performing across Canada with the “Corner Gas Live” show. YOU can go to to find out all the info. I will list the dates in my “tour dates” section. My stalwart companion Douglas R….

More Stripper Details

September 20th Victoria BC, the Central Bar & Grill – 708 View St map (250) 361-1700 for tickets & times September 21st Vancouver BC, Buffalo Club – 1161 Granville St map (604) 688-7803 for tickets & times September 24th Kingston…

Astral Planning

You have a found a portal for time travel. You close your eyes on the cliffs of the faraway but somehow familiar seashore. With them open you can almost see England lying north across the channel. This is rare highland…


Had some fantastic shows in Switzerland, Germany, Spain and Belgium with the CJBand. I think one plays better when stimulated by exotic surroundings. If the theory pans out I think we’d pretty much explode if we got to play in…


MTV Europe. A small German boy can see all the way to California. His scrotum feels funny when he watches the nubile blonde women in her kitchen. He doesn

Strippers Union Q & A’s

There are interviews with Pat Steward, Doug Elliott & Simon Kendall now up in the journal section of You’ll also find a nice “song by song” piece written by Rob Baker & myself.

True North Strong & Free

Great news. The “Northey Valenzuela” CD will finally find wide release. Jesse & I have signed a deal with “Fuel2000 in Los Angeles and “True North Records in Canada. We’d like to say a huge thanks to Len Fico and…

Out of Office Reply

I’m going to Europe with Colin James (see and I am not taking a computer. “Be here now”, said the little bird. I will try to put up things the hard way and we’ll see what happens.

Dr.John vs St.John

Its been said that you go to the world’s biggest western cities because they offer infinite possibilities. It’s true. I consider myself an urbanite. I enjoy nature to its fullest but feel more stimulated by throngs of people with all…


Dear all, If you have a minute we could really use some help convincing Vancouver’s CFOX that “Give Up & Go Away” (by Stripper’s Union) is worthy of being added to their playlist. They’re usually quite supportive and this might…

Stripper’s Union bootlegs

Michael Fleming has archived several acosutic radio performances at Thanks Michael and have fun listening to us get better at the songs as the tour moved on. Tim Der has archived the Canada AM TV performance at his fabulous…

the Fontanas

Just excited because my pal Keith Scott handed me an advance copy of his first solo project — the Fontanas. Its unabashed surf guitar power diplayed in all its glory. It sounds huge and its a ton of fun. I’ll…

Canada AM has Strippers

Dear All, Strippers Union:Local 518 will make its national TV debut on “Canada AM” June 21st. Its early in the moring on CTV (that’s why they call it AM I guess). Rob & I had a fun promo tour and…

the Stripper’s Union site is up and it will be the place to go to get info and other such things about the band. Its just getting started but…CHECK OUT THE LAVA LAMP.


Dear party faithful, Yesterday the song “Give Up & Go Away” went to rock radio in Canada. If you all called your local rock radio station and requested “Stripper’s Union” it would help. Its not like when you vote NDP…

Stripper’s Union on the books

umusic :: new releases … Stripper’s Union | Stripper’s Union date :: Tuesday June 14, 2005 catalogue # :: 7697423552 | format :: Compact Disc genre :: ROCK | label :: UNIVERSAL … It was on Google so it…

New Queen Video

Tim Der has a clip of Colin & I performing his song “Misplaced Heart” for the Queen and eleven thousand other people…oh…and all the people who watched the CBC that night. I didn’t meet the Queen but I met Joni…

Tonight with the Queen

Tonight I play a new Colin James song with the Saskatchewan Symphony Orchestra …oh and Colin. Sitting right accross from us will be the Queen. It will be on CBC tonight at 5 pm on the west coast and later…

Strippers’ Union: Local 518

The “Strippers’ Union” CD will be released in Canada on June 21st (could be as early as the 14th but probably the 21st). Look for it on Universal Music. This CD was recorded in December in Bath Ontario and began…

Stolen Saxophone

My sax was stolen yesterday. Its rare and not easy to replace. Even worse my son was playing it and now he doesn’t have a sax. Could you fellow musicians keep an eye out on Ebay or when you’re in…

Country Dog & the Arcade Tree

Country dogs. Who could make a golden retriever vicious? They have the run of the land and are far from any social circle. Horses, cattle and sheep are herded. Why not runners and their dogs? A surfer paddling his board…


If you want to buy a picture of my big ol head while I’m talking and slightly hunched over you can get it at this gentleman’s site. I mean…what’s the market value of that? If this is a hot…

the Inducer

Here are the things I said to induct the Tragically Hip into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. There may never be a more worthy band in this country. I will see you after victory at Augusta. “A rock band…

Juno Craig?

Dear all, I’ll be playing in the annual “Juno Cup” hockey game benefitting MusiCan (music education for kids) on Friday April 1st in Selkirk Manitoba. The next night I will be saying a few words to induct the Tragically…